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Agency description/history

This series documents the day-to-day meetings and activities of the Governor. It identifies by time of day where the Governor is to be and with whom. It is produced daily and reflects the next day's schedule. It provides a more comprehensive view of the Governor's activities than the Itiner ary File (04365), as it may not reflect changes to the schedule. The schedule reflects in-office as well as out-of-office activities. Series contains: Date; specific time/hour of day; sponsor of m eeting/who meeting is with; name or type of event; where event is to be held

Kentucky. Governor's Office

This series documents speeches created and generated in the Press O ffice for the Governor with the assistance of various aides and Cabinet staff. Speeches are typed and printed in the Press Office. Sometimes copies are di spersed to the media or others that may request it, depending on the topic or issue. A speech will focus on the directions or actions the Governor and staff will ta ke for causes that he feels need attention, such as the budget /state spending, health care, or education, among many others. Speeches may also be retained in audi o or video format, or may be disseminated on the Internet. Series contains: Speeches, which may be in written, audio or video format.

Kentucky. Governor's Office

This series documents the public addresses to assemblies by administrative heads. It includes the text and/or recording of speeches given as a function of or on behalf of their respective agencies. The speeches may apply to issues related to public policies, results of programs, policy or procedural changes, or other issues related to the administration of the agency. Series contains: Date; duration; location; administrative head; text of speech.

Kentucky. Office of the Lieutenant Governor

This series documents the land appropriations awarded to veterans, soldiers, and other settlers since the 1700s. It tracks the initial conveyances to veterans of the French and Indian War under King George III of England when he issued the Proclamation of 1763. The grants were awarded in lieu of cash. Land grants authorized by these military warrants can be found in the Virginia and Old Kentucky Land Grant Series. After the Revolutionary War, Virginia continued and expanded the land grant system through its Land Law of 1779. Kentucky, in turn, reaffirmed the system after separation from Virginia with the Kentucky Act of 1796. The land grant system is still in use today as a method of appropriating Kentucky land. Structurally, the process has changed very little sin ce its inception. "Patenting" refers to the system of land appropriation used to transfer land from the Commonwealth to an individual or group of individuals. All deeds track back to an original patent recorded in the Kentucky Land office. Land patenting consists of four steps, all of which must be completed before a title is granted. Step #1 is the warrant (certificate, order) which authorizes a survey to be made. It does not specify the exact location of the land, with some exceptions; however, present-day County Court Orders (Warrants) are to be used within the county in which they are issued. (*In addition to 261 Volumes, 145,000 Surveys) Series contains: Warrants authorizing surveys; name of warrant recipient and reason for warrant issuance; original surveys with the land location (including original surveys by Daniel Boone); Governor grant-transferring title from state to individual; supporting documents; affidavits, wills, receipt of payment

Kentucky. Secretary of State

Total Containers: 1

Kentucky. Office of the Governor

This series documents the appointment and term(s) of individuals serving on the boards and commissions of the state, as authorized by Executive Order (04354) of the Governor. As chief administrator, the Governor makes appointments for memberships on boards and commissions authorized by statute. The Governor may make as many as 2,300 appointments during a four-year term. A number of these will require certain qualifications; some are made from a list of three submitted by an association or official; some require confirmation by one or both houses of the General Assembly. The file keeps track of appointments due, compiling recommendations, providing choices for the Governor, confirming availability, and checking backgrounds of potential appointees, as needed. He may appoint judges to district or circuit courts, Commonwealth's attorneys, magistrates, councilmen, or county judge-executives, in the case of a vacancy. Task forces are documented as well, however, they are temporary committees. The Executive Order is created, signed by the Governor and forwarded to the Secretary of State for signature. A copy is sent to the agency under which the board/commission serves, and the board or commission. A copy is filed in the Governor's Official Correspondence File (04347). The newly appointed member receives a commission letter from the Secretary of State. Series contains: Copy of Executive Order; correspondence, recommendations; name of board or commission; name of selection

Kentucky. Office of the Governor

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