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Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. Contact Sheet 1, 2006 Series of eight images on a white sheet. Images are labeled "2006 12 06 Joseph Kelley Award 1 of 1" and under each image is a label "IMG_8846.JPG" to "IMG_8853.JPG." Pictures are small thumbnails showing Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. receiving an award from several public figures. All are dressed in formal attire.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. Sheet 1, 2006- Contact sheets

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image showing a smiling Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding his "2006 Joseph W Kelley Award" Plaque while standing in a middle of a lineup of five suited men. On the standing on the far right, Keith Travis, chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Off-center in the colored image shows a standing Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding a plaque that reads "2006 Joseph W. Kelley Award." He is standing in front of a table of sitting politicians. From left to right, sit Kevin Noland, Keith Travis, and unidentified women, Jeanne Ferguson, and another unidentified man. Behind the table is another seated woman.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Off-center in the colored image shows a standing Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. speaking and holding a plaque that reads "2006 Joseph W. Kelley Award." He is standing in front of a table of sitting politicians. From left to right, sit Kevin Noland, Keith Travis, Jeanne Ferguson, and another unidentified man. Behind the table is another seated woman.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Off-center in the colored image shows a standing Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding a plaque that reads "2006 Joseph W. Kelley Award." He is standing in front of a table of sitting politicians. From left to right, sit Kevin Noland, Keith Travis, and unidentified women, Jeanne Ferguson, and another unidentified man. Behind the table is another seated woman.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image showing Henry Vogt Heuser standing with a smiling expression in front of a table and holding a plaque. On the other side of the table, there are two standing men and one woman, with another woman smiling behind the group. Based on the names on the desk nameplates, the man to the furthest left is Kevin Noland. Standing next to him is Keith Travis, and Henry Vogt Heuser is blocking the woman's nameplate.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image showing a smiling Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding his "2006 Joseph W Kelley Award" Plaque with Keith Travis, chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image showing a smiling Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding his "2006 Joseph W Kelley Award" Plaque with Keith Travis, chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image showing a smiling Henry Vogt Heuser Jr. holding his "2006 Joseph W Kelley Award" Plaque while standing in a middle of a lineup of five suited men. On the standing on the far right, Keith Travis, chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006 Color image centering on a speaking Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., who holds a plaque that reads "2006 Joseph W. Kelly Award." Just behind him is a table with seated government officials. One is a woman in a green jacket, with the nameplate Jeanne Ferguson. To the right of her is a man but the nameplate is off-camera.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Henry Vogt Heuser Jr., December 06, 2006

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 Color Image framed around the sitting James White.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 Color Image showing the Board of Education officials sitting at a rounded table. From the left to right, the sitters are Gene Wilhoit, Keith Travis, Candice Allen, and Dorie Combs. Keith Travis, chairman of the Board, is speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 The color image shows Wynn Long Radford III speaking and standing behind the Board of Education table. To the left of him, stands Keith Travis and to the right sits a smiling woman.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 The color image shows a laughing Wynn Long Radford III standing in the center behind the Board of Education meeting table. The figures around him appear to be clapping and smiling. From left to right, sitting is Gene Wilhoit; standing is Keith Travis, and also sitting is Janice Allen and Dorie Combs at the right. Just behind Janice Allen sits another unidentified woman.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 Color Image shows a photo lineup of five smiling people. From left to right are Radford's son, his wife, Wyn Long Radford III, James White and an unidentified woman. Radford holds his plaque to the camera.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 Color image showing the audience view. The image focuses on sitter James White and another young man sitting next to him.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 A color Image that shows the audience of the event, with James White on the far right and the Radford Family next to him.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III., August 03, 2005 A smiling image showing for smiling people, from right to left is Keith Travis, Radford's wife Linda, Wynn Long Radford III, and an unidentified man. Wynn Long Radford III holds his plaque for the camera.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 A color image that is showing Wynn Long Radford III standing and speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 A color image that shows Wynn Long Radford III both standing and speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 Color photo showing the audience watching the Board of Education. The audience is seated in three rows. Closest to the foreground is Wynn Long Radford seated with his family and colleagues.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005 The color image shows Keith Travis handshaking Wynn Long Radford III while handing off a plaque that reads "2005 Joseph W Kelly Award." Both are smiling at the camera.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III Contact Sheet 1, August 03, 2005 Series of twelve images on a white sheet. Images are labeled "2005 08 03 Award Presentation 1 of 1" and under each image is a label "IMG_1749.JPG" to "IMG_1786.JPG." Pictures are small thumbnails showing Wynn Long Radford III. receiving an award from several public figures. All are dressed in formal attire.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III Sheet 1, August 03, 2005- Contact sheets

Kentucky. Department of Education

Joseph W Kelley Award for Wynn Long Radford III, August 03, 2005

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A color image showing three men standing in a line, from the right stands Keith Travis, chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education, Robert Smotherman and an unidentified man. Smotherman holds a plaque that reads, " Dr. Samuel Robinson Award Robert Smotherman For Leadership Commitment and Service to Equity and Opportunity in Education By the Kentucky Board of Education June 8, 2005."

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing a lineup of eight people, with Robert Smotherman standing a fourth from the right holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." To his left are four women and to his right is one woman and two men.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing a lineup of seven people, with Robert Smotherman standing a fourth from the right holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." To his left are four women and to his right is one woman and a man.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A color image is showing a Rob Smotherman shaking a hand with a sitting man to his right. He is holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award" in his right hand.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A color image that shows a Robert Smotherman holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." He is standing and speaking to the audience to the left.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A color image shows Rob Smotherman and Keith Travis, chairman of the board of Education, shaking hands while Smotherman receives a plaque. A smiling crowd is clapping in the background.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing both Rob Smotherman, to the left, and Keith Travis, to the right, holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award Presented to Robert Smotherman For Leadership Commitment and Service To Equity and Opportunity in Education By the Kentucky Board of Education June 8, 2005."

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A color image shows a Robert Smotherman holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." Around him is a circular set of chairs with the standing Board of Education representatives.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 A Color image that shows a Robert Smotherman holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." He is standing and speaking to the audience to the left.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Image shows Rob Smotherman receiving a plaque from Keith Travis. The plaque reads "Dr. Samuel Business Award." Just behind the tow is a smiling, clapping crowd.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing Robert Smotherman holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." He is standing next to an unidentified man.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing a lineup of seven people, with Robert Smotherman standing a third from the right holding a plaque that reads "Dr. Samuel Robinson Award." To his left are three women and to his right is one woman and a man.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005 Color image showing an audience watching a presentation. Rob Smotherman sits in the front row just behind two women.

Kentucky. Department of Education

2005 Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman Contact Sheet 1, June 08, 2005 Series of thirteen images on a white sheet. Images have a label underneath that reads "7812.jpg" to "7844.jpg." Pictures are small thumbnails showing Rob Smotherman receiving an award from several public figures. All are dressed in formal attire.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman Sheet 1, June 08, 2005- Contact sheets

Kentucky. Department of Education

Samuel Robinson Award for Rob Smotherman, June 08, 2005

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson speaking at a microphone. Just behind him sits Representative Frank Rasche.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing three men sitting at a table with microphones directed at them. From left to right the sitters are as follows: Dave Adkisson, Representative Frank Rashe, and Senator Jack Westwood. Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson is speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson speaking at a microphone. Just behind him sits Representative Frank Rasche.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing four men sitting at a table with microphones directed at them. From left to right the sitters are as follows: Dave Adkisson, Representative Frank Rashe, Senator Jack Westwood, and Gary Ransdell. Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson is speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson speaking at a microphone. Just behind him sits Representative Frank Rasche.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing four men sitting at a table with microphones directed at them. From left to right the sitters are as follows: Dave Adkisson, Representative Frank Rashe, Senator Jack Westwood, and Gary Ransdell. Chamber of Commerce President Dave Adkisson is speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007

Kentucky. Department of Education

Double the Numbers: Council on Postsecondary Education Special Meeting, October 17, 2007 Color image showing four men sitting at a table with microphones directed at them. From left to right the sitters are as follows: Dave Adkisson, Representative Frank Rashe, Senator Jack Westwood, and Gary Ransdell. Senator Jack Westwood is speaking.

Kentucky. Department of Education

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