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Agency description/history

This series consists of any publication produced for general public distribution, regardless of format, that documents agency history, agency-related functions or agency activities. It does not include materials issued for internal administrative use, such as manuals of operation. Publications contain important facts and statistics about the operation of the agency and its policies. They provide information, often in summarized form, which aids in understanding the history or administrative functioning of an agency. Series contains publications and reports.

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Spring 2009-Fall 2009

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2009, Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2009, Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Spring 2011-Winter 2011

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2011, Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2011, Summer

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2011, Winter

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Summer 2010

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2010, Summer

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Summer 2007-Fall 2007

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2007, Summer-Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Spring 2013-Winter 2013

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2013, Winter

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2013, Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2013, Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Winter 2014-Fall 2014

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2014, Winter-Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2014, Summer

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2014, Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Spring 2012-Fall 2012

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2012, Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2012, Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletters, Winter 2008-Fall 2008

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2008, Fall

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2008, Winter-Spring

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Newsletter, 2008, Summer

Kentucky. Geological Survey

This series consists of any publication produced for general public distribution, regardless of format, that documents agency history, agency-related functions or agency activities. It does not include materials issued for internal administrative use, such as manuals of operation. Publications contain important facts and statistics about the operation of the agency and its policies. They provide information, often in summarized form, which aids in understanding the history or administrative functioning of an agency. Series contains publications and reports.

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Reports, 2001-2014

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 27, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 18, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 24, 2012, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 8, 2001, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 31, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 16, 2007, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 19, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 17, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 25, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 22, 2010, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 23, 2010, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Report of Investigation 26, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

This series consists of any publication produced for general public distribution, regardless of format, that documents agency history, agency-related functions or agency activities. It does not include materials issued for internal administrative use, such as manuals of operation. Publications contain important facts and statistics about the operation of the agency and its policies. They provide information, often in summarized form, which aids in understanding the history or administrative functioning of an agency. Series contains publications and reports.

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circulars, 1992-2014

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 27, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 26, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 19, 2010, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 47, 2006, Series 11

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 31, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 42, 1992, Series 11

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 12, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 29, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 30, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 43, 1993, Series 11

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 25, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Information circular 24, 2012, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

This series consists of any publication produced for general public distribution, regardless of format, that documents agency history, agency-related functions or agency activities. It does not include materials issued for internal administrative use, such as manuals of operation. Publications contain important facts and statistics about the operation of the agency and its policies. They provide information, often in summarized form, which aids in understanding the history or administrative functioning of an agency. Series contains publications and reports.

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract reports, 2004-2015

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 49, 2012, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 18, 2007, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 74, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 31, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 6, 2004, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 38, 2009, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 29, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 28, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 11, 2005, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 14, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 73, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 15, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 81, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 33, 2009, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 13, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 56, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 80, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 43, 2011, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 30, 2008, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report, April 29, 2011

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 53, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 37, 2009, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 12, 2006, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 41, 2010, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 82, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 79, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 23, 2007, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 60, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 35, 2009, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 83, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 40, 2010, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 10, 2005, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 57, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 9, 2005, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 48, 2012, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 51, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 62, 2014, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 42, 2011, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 76, 2015, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 46, 2012, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 24, 2007, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

Contract Report 52, 2013, Series 12

Kentucky. Geological Survey

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