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Nifco Ribbon Cutting, Photos- Edited, 2013

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Nifco Ribbon Cutting, April 25, 2013- edited

Kentucky. Cabinet for Economic Development

Nifco Ribbon Cutting, April 25, 2013- edited Color photograph of Governor Steve Beshear shaking hands with an unidentified person. Behind them stand two unidentified people.

Kentucky. Cabinet for Economic Development

Nifco Ribbon Cutting, April 25, 2013- edited Color photograph of Governor Steve Beshear speaking to three people.

Kentucky. Cabinet for Economic Development

Nifco Ribbon Cutting, April 25, 2013- edited Color photograph of Governor Steve Beshear speaking at a podium. Behind him are the United States flag and the Kentucky flag. Hanging on the wall is a banner that reads “Nifco.” To the left nine people sit in two rows of chairs.

Kentucky. Cabinet for Economic Development

Nifco Ribbon Cutting, April 25, 2013- edited Color photograph of six people standing together, including Mayor Tom Hardesty and Governor Steve Beshear. They are holding a blue ribbon and scissors. Behind them stand a crowd of people. A banner that reads ‘Nifco’ hangs on the wall.

Kentucky. Cabinet for Economic Development

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